Rick Berk came out to shoot some stuff here on the left coast. We traveled to Monterey to shoot Point Lobos, which was a bust due to the fog. We then went to Lake Tahoe. After that, we hit up the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, and ended our tour with two nights in Yosemite. Between the fog, fires, and falling boulders we managed to get some decent shots! Here are some images from my camera.

Above image was shot with the new 17mm Tilt Shift, composed of 3 shots using the shift to make a panoramic. Great feature! I really love this lens.

Another shot this time with the 24mm Tilt Shift breaking out the tilt this time.

Thanks for the 24mm 1.4 loaner Jim! And thanks to Jenifer Wu who taught me how to take this shot! Shot at 1.4, one of the only ways to get "points of light" instead of trails with stars. Check out the Milky Way over Half Dome. One of my favorite shots from the week.

Probably my least favorite of the bunch, but who can go to Yosemite and NOT take Valley View...

Shot at Sand Harbor while at Lake Tahoe. When there wasn't 30 kids hopping on the rocks, this was a beautiful scene!

Had a fairly decent sunset that night. Not spectacular, but maybe next time.

Thanks to the fire, we lost a lot of good opportunities, however it did give us this one opportunity to get some nice color over the Merced River.

Sun about to show itself over Half Dome.

Broke out the 500mm F/4 with a doubler to catch this guy at Point Lobos contemplating going in the water after seeing us eyballin him.

This guy was getting what I was not going to be getting much of the rest of the week....sleep!